Boxing classes have started again

By Rachel Mortimer | Posted: Tuesday November 7, 2023

All year 8-13 students are welcome to attend boxing classes this term.

On Mondays at Ōtepoti Boxing Club in Crawford St, there is a Trinity Catholic College Boxing class from 3:30pm - 4:30pm. It is running until Monday December 4th. It may be a great way to destress after studying for exams!

We will be able to offer it again next year for Years 9-13 due to a grant from the Tū Manawa fund which aims to have more students active. The day may change and we may be able to offer two classes a week if there is enough interest. 

No gloves required as we have used the fund to buy a school supply. Students can just turn up and enjoy getting fit in a new context. It is a short walk down there from school as the club is where "Let's Go Fitness" is located.